Every beat up record is also a story. Oh if those scratches could talk. Transforming those pre-loved discs into unique pieces of upcycled vinyl record jewellery also means that a whole new chapter of that story is just waiting to happen, with you.

Dusty spinned and spinned on the family turnable in the brown and orange sitting room close to a gazillion times, until the summer of 1970.
That's when she was 'borrowed'
by Linda.

Linda was a fan of good times and good times were had with Dusty in Memphis traveling under her arm from party to party until Miss Springfield one day vanished in a haze of purple. Purple what, well, I'm not sure. Things were always a bit hazy in 1970.

Fast forward 53 years (53 years!) and *BOOM* Dusty lands in my studio. She is beat up, the record is scratched like it's been dragged through a ditch and the sleeve is disintegrating.
That's when I come in.
When Dusty's prospect is starting to look pretty trashy in a shed in Wexford, well, I come in and honour the s*** out of that previous life. She is transformed into little dangly delights to adorn your ears and necks and hopefully bring a smile.
When you are rocking my designs, think of Jeanette under the Christmas tree and Linda dancing under that disco ball and Dusty spinning in a retro sitting room and you will feel -you will feel it- that you are also wearing a story and are adding a new chapter to it, 53 years on.
I know... cheesylicious, but true.